October/November Update
Dear Friends and Partners,
Last year, at an event, a senior shared how she struggled with regrets and felt invisible at school until her friend Katy invited her to hear about Jesus. That invitation changed everything. We prayed for her regularly in our prayer triplet, and Mya gave her life to Jesus. Now, as part of our campus missionary group, she reaches out to others who feel like she once did. Mya shared her testimony on the streets of the French Quarter and helped lead three teens to Christ during our mission trip to New Orleans in November.
Mya’s story is why we do what we do. It’s why I’m passionate about this ministry and deeply thankful for your support. Together, we’re ensuring that every student has the opportunity to hear the gospel and be transformed by it.
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October/November Ministry Highlights
1. PAIS Ministry Council
I now serve on the PAIS Ministry Council. PAIS Movement is a discipleship-led organization active in over 20 countries, equipping believers to live life on mission. Two of our PAIS friends from India visited us in Spring.
2. Texas Conclave-New Staff.
Working with PAIS national directors, we connected with 500 youth leaders at the Texas Conclave in San Antonio. We also enlisted a new North Texas NNYM coordinator in Wichita Falls, developed two West Texas Networks, and are in discussions with a leader in San Antonio to lead the network in that region.
3. Abilene Youth Leader Conference
I spoke at a youth leader conference for 30 leaders hosted by our Abilene coordinator, Brent Aiken, who did an outstanding job training and caring for them.
4. Campus Missionary Group-Declaration Church, Spring
I get to lead our student campus missionary group at Declaration Church, along with co-leader, Taylor Johnson. It continues to make an incredible impact. Over the past two months, they have:
Served in our children’s ministry.
Counseled decisions at FCA Fields of Faith.
Participated in local community outreach.
Shared the gospel.
Traveled on a mission trip to the New Orleans area, where they served Old Zion Hill Baptist Church, led a five-hour sports camp, trained leaders and students in gospel-sharing, engaged in street ministry in the French Quarter, and led a youth service in Independence, LA. The results? Seventeen youth and children came to Christ.
5. Partnerships
In Clear Lake, we partnered with Overcoming Obstacles Ministry, and four people came to Christ. I was blessed to attend my mission cover organization, Links International Family Fund Raiser in Bryan with family and friends. I also got to lead worship at Grace Community Church where my son-in-law is now pastor.
6. Midland Ministry Restart
I traveled to Midland to help restart their student ministry, train leaders and students, and preached on Sunday. The church, with a new pastor and dedicated leaders, is ready to reach the next generation.
7. Dare2Share LIVE
As part of Dare2Share LIVE, we trained leaders and students in Louisiana, Spring (at our Declaration youth leadership training), and Midland. Globally, over 45,000 students participated, resulting in more than 80,000 gospel conversations. Locally, with NxtMove DFW, we trained over 70 leaders and students in Arlington in gospel-advancing ministry.
8. New Networks
We established new networks in Bryan/College Station, Lubbock, and Lamesa. At the NxtMove Global Meeting in DFW, we worked on developing and coordinating networks for maximum impact.
9. Published Articles and Features
In addition to publishing three articles and studies with Interlinc, my long-time friend Barry StClair featured our 50-year relationship in his newsletter—an incredible honor! We got to visit for a half hour in Waxahachie!
Let me close with a story of multiplication, and connecting for the Kingdom. Last summer, I met with my friend, Arif Ashiq from Hope Network in Pakistan, a network of 500 churches. Soon afterward, I connected him with Reach-Out Youth Solutions, and we trained him in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry. Since then, he has translated the training into Urdu and as of this Fall, 1500 leaders and students are trained in the strategy. In November, he came to Dallas, and we celebrated together as he continues to impact the Pakistani people, some of whom have never heard the name of Jesus!
Your prayers and generosity make an eternal difference. I’m excited to continue this journey with you and can’t wait to celebrate the amazing things God will do in the months ahead.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Thank you all again for your love and support.