Reach Out Youth Solutions
Coaching others through Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry!
Only 10% of all people trained in new skills actually implement what they learn. Yet 80% implement when they have a mentor to guide them. Eagle Leaders implement Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, and then mentor others to do the same. Through this process, Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry is multiplied.
Convinced that only Jesus brings life and love to this vast percent of the population around the world, Reach Out equips and multiplies leaders globally in over 27 countries to focus on Jesus and His way of doing ministry. Then these leaders reach and disciple the younger generation like He did. Captivated and changed by Him, we believe this generation will make disciples of all nations!
Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training is available in person, on-line (In English, Spanish, Russian and Swahili), as well as zoom training.
We introduce the training, coach leaders through implementation, and once the model is in place and functioning, we help leaders multiply the training to other ministries.
Jesus’ strategy is reflected in the Jesus Focused Youth Ministry principles found in Matthew:
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” — Matthew 9:36-38
Jesus Focused Youth Ministry Principles:
Know: Have an effective Prayer Strategy and grow in intimacy with Christ.
Grow: Develop Leaders and Disciple Students.
Sow: Penetrate the local culture.
Go: Present the Gospel in culturally relevant ways.
Map of JFYM around the world
(Click to enlarge )

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